MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES VARIABILITY OF GMELINA LARCH (Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr.) IN EASTERN SIBERIA A.P. Barchenkov Institute of forest, Krasnoyarsk The Gmelina larch is main species in Eastern Siberia. The area of Gmelina larch situated on watershed Lena and Yenisei rivers, south-western limit of it area agree with limit of permafrost. Universality of area, which involve different climatic conditions, account for morphological variability of Gmelina larch. For example, the external shape of Gmelina larch is changed from tree form to elfin wood form which tower up 20-30 centimeters above tundra surface. However intraspecific differentiation of Gmelina larch still remains insufficiently known. Genetic analysis of Gmelina larch populations showed that considerable genetic isolation between Gmelina larch populations from Evenkia region and Transbaikalia (average value of genetic distance between these populations amount to 0,03) has existed. This fact can be use for separation of these populations on independent intraspecific taxons. The results of Gmelina larch morphological diversity study have shown to significant morphological features variability both population level and at species level as whole. Intrapopulation variability of cones, seeds and needles morphometric features does not exceed low and middle levels of variability (Cv = 12 – 20%). Interpopulation variability submits elevation zoning in mountain regions and latitude zoning in area as whole. With increasing the elevation in mountain and moving from south to north, size of cones and seeds is reduced. Variability of qualitative features of generative and vegetative organs is more stable in comparison with quantitative features. Monogenic character inheritance of qualitative features account for low variability of these features in population. Geographical variability of qualitative features has mainly shown in periphery populations located in hybridization zone of Gmelina larch with Siberian or Cajanderi larches. For example, when hybridizing Gmelina and Siberian larches the new hybrid complex (L. czekanowskii Szaf.) is formed. This hybrid complex has more variability of qualitative features in comparison with parental species. The hybridization of Gmelina and Cajanderi larches leads to significant variability form of edge of seed scale and cone form. Significant variability of straight and sinuate forms of edge of seed scale had been revealed in these populations. Moreover the high variability form of cone concerned with variability of angle of seed scale deviation from cone axis had been found in periphery populations. Consequently, the analysis of Gmelina larch morphological variability had been shown that this species has wide spectrum of morphological diversity and high adaptive ability. These characteristics make this species of larch perspective for selection and foresting.
Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition